GWA project is organising a series of cross-border Open Space Technology (OST) Fora in Italy.
The OST process within the Green Waters Adventure project will aim at activating participatory decision-making process, based on the open and creative debate among local stakeholders (public authorities, universitities, associations) and citizens. Some best practices relating to adventure tourism will be presented with a view to stimulating discussions about the development of similar models in the cross-border area through coordination, cooperation and netwoking.
OST Fora will aim at focusing on the follwoing topics: nature and environment, culture and traditions, sport and
adventure. OST Fora will take place in every participating country, with the first taking place at the Centrum Palace Hotel in Campobasso (IT) on 12 May 2023, organised by the Municipality of Castel San Vincenzo.
The event will be an occasion for the Municipality of Castel San Vincenzo to present the project to the local stakeholders and citizenship and to discuss how GWA can boost tourism and visits of the Lake of Castel San Vincenzo (an artificial reservoir built in the late fifties for hydroelectric purposes) and surrounding natural and cultural assets.