The GWA project is organising two events in Italy to stimulate participatory processes involving all sorts of toursim stakeholders and the citizenship. The events will be organised in the form of Open Space Technology (OST) Fora, a new participatory methodology that is growingly used by organisations to create time and space for people to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern.
The first OST Forum will take place in Campobasso, on 12 May from 15:00 to 17:00. The event will be organised by the Municipality of Castel San Vincenzo and will aim at creating an open and collaborative meeting with a diversity of players that are interested in building a new toruism offer in Molise Region as linked to water and adventure tourism.
The second event will take place in Cagnano Varano on 15 May from 9:00, organised by the GWA Lead Partner Parco Nazionale del Gargano, also in this case with the participation of a wide range of local stakeholders.
The goal of the two events will be to allow the self-organisation of participants, divided in working groups, to select and discuss issues as part of a "market of ideas". Working groups will be facilitated by experts, who will help organisers to collect results.